Dry Sense of Humor Funny Gifs

What is a Dry Sense of humor, Examples, and How to Develop it?

Humor is like a booster to our mental immunity. And having a person with a good sense of humor by your side is like a blessing. But what about those whose humor is a bit dry? Most of us find them rude because we didn't have much idea about 'What is a Dry Sense of humor?'

A dry sense of humor is a form of humor created by a person. A person with a dry sense of humor cracks jokes and says something funny with a serious or straight face. It is also known as deadpan and dry wit humor because the person shows little to no emotion.  They create humor by delivering witty comments that may or may not be understood by everyone. It's not that every statement delivered with no emotion is dry humor. To understand more about this, let's dig deeper into ' What is a Dry Sense of Humor?'

What is a dry sense of humor?

A dry sense of humor is a type of humor in which a person says something funny without changing expression or showing any emotion. Also, the tone of the person is devoid of any humor, as if they are stating the facts. It is delivered in a blunt or witty way that makes it funny only for a specific audience. The statement is not usually funny like a joke and can be told in a serious tone. Dry Humor is also known as Deadpan humor because jokes are cracked on usual or serious topics without showing any emotions or changing the tone of voice.

Let's look at some of the characteristics which make it a dry sense of humor:

  • Words Matter

Unlike other forms of humor, a dry sense of humor is mainly based on the way words are spoken and highlighted in a statement. It's like a game of wordplay where only the clever mind can understand the real meaning behind the words and find it funny.

  • Delivery Style

The delivery of a dry joke is a core element of a dry sense of humor. While other comedians joke with a lot of enthusiasm and over-the-top body gestures, the person with dry humor delivers a funny statement and maintains a neutral face with less to no expression. They talk in a usual way like conversing about day-to-day topics.

  • Lack of Emotion

A person with a dry sense of humor jokes without showing any emotion. He/She didn't smile or laugh with the audience like other comedians as well as they didn't leave any emotional clues that lead to laughter.

  • Spontaneous

People with a dry sense of humor possess the trait of making others laugh with their spontaneous comments in a conversation. It might seem like a natural thing, but it only happens when you have good observation skills. They keep a keen eye on the situation and deliver something funny in their unique style whenever the opportunity arrives.

  • Specific Audience

 A person with a dry sense of humor is only funny to a specific audience. This type of humor requires an equal amount of cleverness between presenter and receiver so that the audience can understand the real meaning behind the witty statements and didn't take it as offensive.

  • Intelligent and Witty

A person with a good dry sense of humor needs to be intelligent and have a good sense of mind. As they make their audience laugh without being funny. The statements are presented straightly and in a way that doesn't hurt the sentiments of others.

  • Focus on the Positive Side

A person with a dry sense of humor often focuses on the alternative or positive side of the situation. So that they can lighten the mood in difficult situations and shift everyone's focus on the brighter side.


The best way to understand a dry sense of humor is to observe some of the best works of classic dry humor artists. Here is the list of few artists that gained popularity for their dry sense of humor:

  1. Steven Wright

Steven Wright, a name hard to forget, if you are talking about a dry sense of humor. Steven Alexander Wright is known as the real master of dry humor. His style of incorporating irony, philosophy, and sometimes absurd things in his stand-up and writings, made him popular among the crowd.

To understand more about a dry sense of humor, you can watch some of his famous acts:

  1. Mitch Hedberg

Mitch Hedberg was an American stand-up artist known for his dry sense of humor. His unique style of speech and his unusual stage presence made him popular among the crowd. Mitch was known for using wordplay, abstract delivery, and object observations.

His jokes were often one or two liners and most of his lines were considered as punchlines. These lines got so popular that many times the audience shouted out the punchlines even before he could finish.

Here is one of the examples of his unique style:

  1. Demetri Martin

Another artist who has mastered the style of dry sense of humor is Demetri Martin. He gave deadpan a new meaning, by incorporating instruments and drawings in it. His acts often consist of one-liners, drawings on a large pad, or playing different instruments like guitar, keyboard, or piano. His style is mainly compared with Mitch Hedberg.

Here is one of his performances:

How to develop it?

Having a dry sense of humor is like an art. You can entertain the audience with your witty comments and don't need to try too hard to be funny. An appropriate audience will appreciate your intelligence and compliment you for your clever remarks.

Although possessing a dry sense of humor is a natural thing. As it flows with the usual comments or remakes you make on someone. But don't worry even if you can develop it, you just need to have the right potential and determination to polish your skills.

Here are some of the factors that can help you in developing it:

  1. Be a Good Observer

Observation is a basic element of any art. The same goes with the skill of a dry sense of humor. You just need to pay close attention to the things that happen in your surroundings. These simplest observations can be delivered in a way that the audience can't stop themselves from sharing a chuckle. To develop this skill, you need to become a good observer, pay attention to small details, and cleverly use them. It not just gives you a good insight into the situations but opens up your mind about smaller things that can make even a boring situation funny.

  1. Pay Attention to Yourself

One of the toughest jobs in this world is to laugh at yourself. The person who masters this skill can make anyone laugh. In our life, the way we perceive and react in a situation can be a way to make people laugh. You must have seen many comedians who erupt laughter while making fun of themselves and tell jokes based on their experience. Try to reflect on your own experiences or the situations happening in your life. You will find these observations quite helpful in making continuous remarks and creating humor.

  1. Look on the Brighter Side

Just like a coin, every situation has both positive and negative sides. It's just up to you how you want to perceive it. While most of the crowd goes for the negative side and tries to highlight flaws in it, a person with a dry sense of humor chose to go for the brighter side of the same situation. Whenever you find yourself in a serious situation, try to find humor in it. It will not only lighten the tense mood but will make others look at the funny aspect of the whole thing. You must develop a good understanding and think about the situation in a creative way. Positively viewing them makes your humor more spontaneous and effortless in your statements.

  1. Good with Wordplay

A dry sense of humor is a product of an intelligent mind, it means you need to play cleverly with the words. To master this skill, you need to have good knowledge and command of the language in which you present your statements. So that you can easily interplay with the words and comments without hurting anyone's sentiments. You need to find a unique way to utter facts and truths without even saying that. You can take some tips from classic dry humor artists like Steven Wright and Demetri Martin.

  1. Stick with the Truth

Dry humor is a subtle way of presenting the truth. You can observe that most of the artists with it state the facts and talk on the serious topic in a calmer way that we will find funny. To achieve this art, you have to develop a joyful style to present reality.

  1. Timing Matters

Timing is important in every form of humor. You can see when a stand-up artist says something simple it can also erupt laughter, but the same jokes may not be entertained by the audience when narrated by someone else. As the timings go hand in hand with the humor. When it comes to people with a dry sense of humor, the humor happens to flow in the conversations with others. Your comment on something in a regular way but others may find it funny.

  1. Don't Show Emotions

The person who can maintain a neutral face, while cracking a joke, seemed to be blessed with a dry sense of humor. Emotions are an essential element of dry humor. It's not about trying to make people laugh by chuckling at your statements, but it's all about how much people understood it and laughed at your clever mind.  Presenting a dry sense of humor is a work of a decent personality.

What is the difference between a Dry Sense of Humor and Sarcasm?

Sarcasm and Cynicism are a part of a dry sense of humor. But we can't just say a sarcastic person is the one with a dry sense of humor. Sarcasm is not only fun and can be used to mock others that can hurt their sentiments. Sarcastic remarks are said in an ironic way that means people pass statements that are opposite of what they mean.

A dry Sense of Humor Sarcasm
It is always dry It can funny, dry, loud, or negative
Based on the way words are delivered It mainly focussed on the actual meaning behind the words
If delivered correctly- it is always funny Not always funny can be used to mock or irritate someone
The statement is pretty straightforward Can be delivered in different ways

Is it a good or a bad thing to have a dry sense of humor?

Having it is a good thing if it's presented in front of the appropriate audience. As the statements are not funny and contain humor within the words. Dry humor is the game of intelligent and clever minds. The right person will appreciate it for the same, while others can find it offensive.


Making someone smile or laugh is one of the best gifts that you can give. Having this type of humor is one of the greatest tools anybody poses. It might not get appreciated like other forms of humor, but it helps in lightening the mood and making people happy. You just need to be clever with your words, contain your emotions, and have a good observation of your surroundings. To polish this skill, try to learn by watching some classic dry humor artists, read some good books, and try to use humor cleverly in your conversations. Just remember that your humor should not hurt someone's emotions.


Source: https://howigotjob.com/articles/what-is-a-dry-sense-of-humor/

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